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Park dragon dress Limited    No Member

 Park dragon dress Limited Brand
Business Model
帕奇龙品牌独特风格的牛仔休闲系列继承了西部牛仔的豪放风格,又发挥了休闲系列的柔和之美,在设计策划和生产制作过程中一丝不苟、精益求精、品质控制严谨、刻意追求、尽善尽美,使之挤身于引领时尚的行列之中. 帕奇龙牛仔休闲系列服饰源自美国,以青春、热情洋溢的形象展现,专为那些活跃,充满时代感的都市人而设计,是有个性,时尚又注重品质的专业牛仔休闲装品牌. 帕奇龙品牌服饰每季都有上百款可供选择,款式时尚而不招摇, 动感而不另类,使你在展示自我风采的同时倍感舒适.时尚的你,快来享受 “帕奇龙”带给你的快乐和洒脱! 帕奇龙服饰做工考究,剪裁得体,舒适耐磨,其独有的设计和多样的款式适合各年龄段、不同层次、不同体形的人士穿着,能够充分体现舒适自然的独特风尚.“帕奇龙”总是弥漫出一股狂放不羁的味道,展示了 “我有 Each of my designs has a strong visual power, making countless fashionable men and women bow. After the Second World War, cowboys became the favorite of the fashion industry and the first choice of clothes for celebrities. As one of the professional cowboy brands in China, "gatchi" will lift the classic of loyalty to the original market in the domestic market, and reappear the cowboy style before lifting the storm in the cowboy world again.
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Contact information
Addr:        Behind the new textile trade city, Sha Po Road, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province