“Bemsssn ”立足于男士服装,结合当今世界最新的潮流,在正装与休闲装之间寻找到一个切入点---带有休闲味道的绅士服装,即在保有传统的正装同时投入更大精力开发斯文时尚的休闲类产品,体现出高素质人群对穿着品位的要求,是健康心情和文化内涵的体现,满足其多场合穿着的需求;既表现出其极具绅士风度的气质,又彰显出其追求高品质舒适生活的个性; “ Bemsssn”是英国人文主义与东方儒教思想的综合体. “ Bemsssn”面对的消费群体是25岁-55岁的男性,具有一定的文化素质,在自己所处领域属成功人士,充满自信乐观的情绪,善于接受新鲜事物;同时信赖传统,对生活的各个方面都有真切感受,一旦喜欢就决不轻言放弃,对品牌的忠诚度很高;注重品牌素质,同时关心面料的质地和做工的考究; “ Bemsssn”是身份的象征!
Hangzhou Blaine Garment Co. Ltd. is a set design, sales in one of the professional clothing enterprises. Strong production ability to cooperate and top product development capabilities, the successful transformation of many large domestic enterprises difficult to solve the problem. "Bemsssn" is invested in the mainland of our China pioneered high-end leisure fashion dress. He takes the successful man of 25 -- 55 years old as the target consumer groups, has been listed by the to peer praise and consumers. But in the construction of brand marketing and terminal network, the more the original move. A pragmatic, innovative values, I Division brings together first-class marketing elite, the implementation of new marketing ideas, needs and demands in the market enjoy do wall, pure, popular in Europe market fashion brand. "Bemsssn" men's successful choice!