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Bazhou positive filter factory    No Member

Bazhou positive filter factory Brand
Business Model
Bazhou Zhengxing filter factory is engaged in the research and development of a variety of filters, the development of production of the products are automobile, internal combustion engine filter; engineering machinery hydraulic filter; chemical fiber industry polyester melt filter; industrial air compressor and hydraulic filter elements, air filter; frame, filter, powder recovery filter; generator, air compressor, (oil filter, Gobierno) and other products.  通过ISO9001:2000国际质量体系认证的正兴产品:1、化工生产线、制药生产线、卷烟生产线、喷粉涂装线、水泥工业生产和各种工业用除尘滤芯、粉尘滤芯、除尘滤筒、粉尘滤筒(外径:150mm-450mm 高:200mm-2000mm);2、国产进口螺杆压缩机、滑片压缩机的油气分离滤芯、过滤器滤芯、空气净化滤芯(阿特拉斯、英格索兰、复盛、康普艾、寿力、日立、天鹅、德国曼牌空压机等);3、挖掘机、装载机、推土机、自卸车、发电机组、豪华大巴和各种工程机械、建筑机械、矿山机械、运输机械的燃油、滑油和空气共给系统的滤清器、过滤器、滤芯(小松、日立、卡特、住友、神钢、大宇、现代、康明斯、五十铃、尼桑、三菱、摊铺机、大象泵、楚天泵、沃尔沃、帕金斯、劳斯莱斯、金龙客车、北方客车、长城客车、凯斯鲍尔、奔驰等);4、其它各种工业生产设备用标准及 Design and production of non standard filter, filter, filter element. Such as: air filter, oil filter, oil filter, hydraulic filter, steering filter, pilot filter, oil and water separator, oil and gas separation filter, dust filter, dust filter, air purification filter, wire wound filter, sintering filter, oil groove filter. Processing of various filter.
Main Products
Contact information
Addr:   [db: Province  [db: City  SAARC Development Zone