Zhejiang Yiwu Yongda bag and suitcase factory, founded in 2001, is a professional manufacturer specializing in PVC bags, gift bags, handbags, wallets, wallets, PVC bags, PVC zipper bags, non-woven bags and other cosmetic packaging bags, gift packaging bags, clothing packaging bags, toy packaging bags production, processing and sales of manufacturers. The factory is located in Yiwu, the largest small commodity distribution center in the world. Thanks to the unique advantages of Yiwu's geography and resources, after nearly 10 years of development, it has become a PVC bag with good reputation in the Yiwu market, PVC bags, PVC cylindrical bags, PVC promotional bags, PVC gift bags, PVC plastic bags, PVC handbags, zero purses, handbags, wallets and non-woven bags manufacturers. The factory has a professional PVC seamless welding high-frequency machine 60, flat car edge machine 10, skilled technicians more than 80 people, 5 product developers. Zhejiang Yiwu gift bags factory has been sold all over the country, but also exported to Europe, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Hongkong, Japan, Korea and other developed countries and regions, and has won wide acclaim and praise.
Our factory mainly produces all kinds of PVC bags, gift bags, wallets, zero purses, non-woven bags, cosmetic bags, PVC zipper bags, handbags, embedding bags, PVC promotional bags, PVC bags, PVC plastic bags and other handbags. It also runs OPP/PE self sealing bags, Oxford bags, nylon bags, PP boxes, PP files and so on. Welcome trading companies, garment factories, gift factories and wholesalers to negotiate and order.
Our factory mainly produces all kinds of PVC bags, gift bags, wallets, zero purses, non-woven bags, cosmetic bags, PVC zipper bags, handbags, embedding bags, PVC promotional bags, PVC bags, PVC plastic bags and other handbags. It also runs OPP/PE self sealing bags, Oxford bags, nylon bags, PP boxes, PP files and so on. Welcome trading companies, garment factories, gift factories and wholesalers to negotiate and order.
The purpose of our factory is to create benefits for customers and save costs for customers. Promised to spare no effort to do it! What we need to do is long term customers, only a one-off business. That's our failure. We promise: we will establish good relationship with you with sincerity and integrity.