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Han Qing country science and technology limited company 565    No Member

Han Qing country science and technology limited company 565 Brand
Business Model
        baking cup machine luxurious hot grill cup Deluxe digital baking cup machine
    豪华烫画机 豪华热转印设备技术 2009年致富网大学生开店 网上开店 开店项目热转印旋转式烫画机大型升降式烫画机 新奇特大型升降式烫花机热转印旋转式烫花机杯机烤杯机热转印烫花机T恤烫花机衣服烫花机烫画机数码烫花机生产厂家平板烫花机服装烫花机 服饰烫花机 印花机设贴画机衣服贴花机T恤贴花机服饰贴花机帖花机 贴花机技术 服装贴画机 贴画机设备新奇特数码热影印烫画机热影印烤杯机T恤服饰热影印 韩情国度迷你个性彩印吧 www.51xqt.com北京T恤印图、印字、数码影像烫画机T恤印字、北京个性T恤、北京衣服印字、衣服印字、杯子印字、北京立体人面公仔,韩国迷你秀杯子印照片、情侣T恤、个性时尚服饰美容、影像热转印烫画机、平面烫画机、布艺烫画设备、服装印花设备、衣服美容、服装彩印、服装烫字设备、服装 Hot stamping machine, cup like India, porcelain painting, transfer machines, shirts, T-Shirts, T-shirt printing like beauty, T-shirt printing, print T-shirts, fashion art painting like India, digital printing, colorful beads, like beauty pyrography art pyrography, mug disc like India, Bouyei printing, craft gifts, porcelain, porcelain beauty beauty color printing, heat transfer, clothing, porcelain beauty personality, personalized video art impression, digital imaging, digital impression of the cups print we provide personalized printed map, printing business includes: the cup printing, print photos printed cups, cups, cups printing, print advertising mug, cup, signs LOG, Star Painting printed the picture system, network, personality T-shirt printing, print, T-shirt printing, printed painting enterprise culture, enterprise culture and printed chart, enterprise culture T-shirt printed image, personality badge, cellular board, plate, trophies, medals, authorization card, etc..
        Web site:
        Web site:
        Li contacts: green
        Tel: 010-67576114 67576674 83337282
        QQ:805853258 technology 894654004
        mobile phone: 15300186112 13552121211
        address: Beijing city Fengtai District Majiabao road building 1-1706
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Contact information
Contact:   Li Qing
Addr:       Beijing city Fengtai District Majiabao road building age of sail