the company is the 3516 factory in Sichuan only agents, in the market fake is flush user false ones, we still take the brand quality as life. Let users buy purchased Royal leather shoes product.
the company to the Royal shoes as a leader, at the same time and transport Quartermaster clothing military training clothing, military gift watches, tourist tent air cushion bed, outdoor supplies, military raincoat rain clothing series, can be customized according to user needs standard leather shoes, work shoes, welcomed the new and old customers patronage.
New business
- Zhongwei zipper factory
- Jiaxing Huameng Wool Textile Co., Ltd.
- Fuzhou Green Trade Co., Ltd.
- Kexiaoming
- Jinjiang City Wu Keng washing plant
- Jiangdu District step Baichuan shoes store
- Taiwan Shan mining enterprises (Dongguan) Office
- Guangzhou Jiahui Packing Co., Ltd.
- Zhuhai Yixing Knitting Co., Ltd.
- Guangzhou Feide dispenser sales center
- Guangzhou City derived clothing Limited company
- Righteousness and gift trade Co. Ltd.
- Fuzhou Green Trade Co., Ltd.
- Kexiaoming
- Jiangdu District step Baichuan shoes store
- Guangzhou Feide dispenser sales center
- Taizhou colorful woven
- Hangzhou Jun Da Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd
- Shishi Haohui Shoes Co., Ltd.
- Guangzhou Nantian clothing Limited company sales
- Wenzhou Le Yuan Trading Company Limited
- Xiamen Information Technology Network Limited
- Country far
- Beijing Xin Hua Sen Garment Center Sales Department
- Zhongwei zipper factory
- Jiaxing Huameng Wool Textile Co., Ltd.
- Fuzhou Green Trade Co., Ltd.
- Kexiaoming
- Taiwan Shan mining enterprises (Dongguan) Office
- Guangzhou Jiahui Packing Co., Ltd.
- Zhuhai Yixing Knitting Co., Ltd.
- Guangzhou Feide dispenser sales center
- Righteousness and gift trade Co. Ltd.
- Shenzhen longrun Printing Machinery Co., Ltd.
- Shenzhen City Hengfeng Tatsu fashion light model coat hanger Co. Ltd.
- Taizhou colorful woven