越峰鞋业贸易有限公司是一家专门从事各式鞋类生产销售的贸易公司,历经多年的艰苦创业,开拓创新,公司已成为一家集生产和贸易为一体的销售型企业.产品涵盖了各种品牌的男女运动鞋,休闲鞋,篮球鞋,足球鞋等和各类名牌仿鞋.本公司产品种类繁多,款式新颖,能够适应国内外不同市场,不同客户的各种需求,在国内外同行中享有较好的声誉.产品远销西欧,日本,美国,中东等地区,以及国内大中城市.我司也可根据客户来图来样进行设计加工产品.无论您在何时何地,我们都会用富有活力,创造性的思维,为您打造最时尚最合理的消费理念,相信用我们的活力和激情会为您提供更卓越更满意的服务.相信我们以 “让客户满意,为客户盈利”为宗旨,本着 “诚信至上,专业品质,客户价值”的理念,不断为您及您的家人提供新的产品和 Quality service!! Your satisfaction is our duty, quality service is our life:.
price advantage: to provide customers with the same service at lower prices!!
New business
- Flat printer
- Orient (Hongkong) International Investment Co
- The new color printing equipment Co., Ltd.
- Zhuji City fibers (jacquard) Textile Co. Ltd.
- Guangzhou city beyond Textile Co., Ltd.
- Shanghai Ya Yuanjing
- Aosai silk screen printing factory
- Austrian source textile Co., Ltd.
- Hebei Gaoyi Daying Textile Group
- Ningbo Hongbang taneichi Trading Co. Ltd.
- Hongkong Fuxin shoes Import & Export Co. Ltd.
- Zhengzhou love Mena Trading Co., Ltd.
- Hongkong Fuxin shoes Import & Export Co. Ltd.
- Lenfant (Fujian) Shoes Co. Ltd.
- Wenling Mai speed shoe factory
- Quanzhou Huanqiu Shoes Co. Ltd. (athletic sports)
- Dongguan fu shoe industry
- Xianju County, Jin Shoes Co. Ltd.
- Fujian Putian City, Lei Ding Gemstone Jewelry Co. Ltd.
- Zhejiang billion of adhesive Co., Ltd.
- Zhongshan top good outdoor products company
- Shanghai high Yu Test Equipment Co. Ltd.
- Three road and Footwear Company
- Flat printer
- Orient (Hongkong) International Investment Co
- The new color printing equipment Co., Ltd.
- Zhuji City fibers (jacquard) Textile Co. Ltd.
- Guangzhou city beyond Textile Co., Ltd.
- Shanghai Ya Yuanjing
- Aosai silk screen printing factory
- Austrian source textile Co., Ltd.
- Hebei Gaoyi Daying Textile Group
- Ningbo Hongbang taneichi Trading Co. Ltd.
- Hongkong Fuxin shoes Import & Export Co. Ltd.
- Zhengzhou love Mena Trading Co., Ltd.