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China Commodity Exchange Association    No Member

China Commodity Exchange Association Brand
Business Model
China Commodity Trade Association is a non-profit organization of the Chinese community organizations, to promote foreign trade import and export business to open up the international commodity market for the purpose. Since the establishment of the association, has been the business community to support and cooperate. The association brings together a large number of professional industry associations and foreign economic and Trade Association members, the business of its member units are all over: manufacturers, manufacturers, suppliers, importers, exporters, agents, distributors, buyers, wholesalers, retailers, Internet, finance, tourism, academia, high-tech R & D institutions and other business. Associations and associations, chambers of Commerce, especially overseas Chinese industrial and commercial society organizations to maintain close contact and cooperation in Hongkong Province, China has been playing an active and important role in foreign trade and import and export business.
Main Products
Contact information
Contact:   Min director
Addr:       Shenzhen Shennan Road East Wenhua East Building 24 floor E