江苏新大高空工程有限公司,是经江苏省建筑工程管理局审定的专业承包企业高空作业壹级,,建筑防水贰级,安全生产许可证、具备国家防腐保温资质壹级,高空防腐资质壹级施工、一级高空作业悬挂资质,专业承接高空维修防腐(喷铝、喷锌、喷铜、喷不锈钢、喷镁铝合金 喷镍、耐磨喷涂、爆炸喷涂、喷塑、EAA喷塑、静电喷塑、陶瓷喷涂、喷砂、喷砂除锈、大桥喷铝、雕塑喷铜、钢结构喷锌、钢结构喷砂)、保温、拆除、清洗、安装、装璜、烟囱新建、砼滑模,砼拆除,烟囱内壁清灰、挂牌、桥架安装、砼烟囱安装Z形钢折爬梯.冷却塔围栏安装旋转爬梯。 The production and installation of stainless steel chimney demolition stainless steel chimney, glass steel chimney installation. Aviation obstacle lights installed. Fireproof plugging, concrete drilling, chemical anchor, anchorage, bolt construction, chemical grouting with water, waterproof plugging, chimney desulfurization, chemical anti-corrosion floor, underwater operation projects, including tall difficulty projects and national key projects, with the engineering quality is good, high safety factor, win the majority of users of praise. The company registered capital of 30660000,
Jiangsu new high altitude Engineering Company Limited
(0) 13738878338
biography & nbsp; it: 0515-88702559
h t t p //www, xdgkff.cn
Contact: Wang civilization
Ningbo cooling tower and anti-corrosion treatment, Jiangsu Yancheng new high altitude Engineering Co. Ltd.
Jiangsu Yancheng new high altitude Engineering Company Limited (hereinafter referred to Division I) focused on the domestic and foreign markets our company has professional contracting enterprise, registered in Jiangsu Province Administration of construction engineering, building waterproof grade two, safety production license, with the national anti corrosion insulation grade a qualification, a high-altitude anti-corrosion construction qualification, a high-altitude operations suspended qualification grade. 专业承接高空维修防腐(喷铝、喷锌、喷铜、喷不锈钢、喷镁铝合金 喷镍、耐磨喷涂、爆炸喷涂、喷塑、EAA喷塑、静电喷塑、陶瓷喷涂、喷砂、喷砂除锈、大桥喷铝、雕塑喷铜等特点,是从事冶金矿产行业的一家私营企业,在运作过程中,我司以诚信的先进理念,以保温、拆除、清洗、安装、装璜、烟囱新建、砼滑模,砼拆除,烟囱内壁清灰、水泥灌内壁清灰,水泥库清灰电缆整治抽放敷设、挂牌、桥架安装、防火封堵、施工、带水化学注浆、防水堵漏、烟囱脱硫、化学防腐蚀地坪、水下作业等工程,其中有高大难度工程和国家重点工程,都以工程质量好、安全率高,赢得了广大用户的一致好评的突出优势,全力致力于公司主营品牌新大;我司注册时间:2007年,注册资金:500-1000万,员工人数:200人以上盐城市新大高空维修防腐有限公司是盐城市唯一获得高空悬挂作业和防腐 Inhibition of construction dual qualification enterprises. High altitude installation: chimney installation of lightning rod beacon light signal lamp, cooling tower installation fence. Steel chimney installation, stainless steel chimney making installation of stainless steel chimney demolition . The FRP chimney installation. The chimney aviation obstacle lights installed. The chimney installation climb ladder, safety platform, safety protection net, chimney mouth scaling ladders installed and all kinds of tower installation, workshop, workshop installation of glass plugging Engineering ? All kinds of underground civil air defense depot, cable trench, pump house, pool, dams, tunnels, culverts, tunnels and other mine blind wells