Yongshun Guangzhou handbag factory is a handbag design and manufacturing factory with professional level and innovative spirit. We have an independent product design showroom and a large production workshop, to provide design, play version, production, including one-stop quality service. Product categories include PVC material, mesh materials, fabrics, leather materials, yarn materials, such as various types of texture of products package bags, fashion bags, gift bags, men and women loaded handbags, leisure sports bags, first-aid kits, garden tools, bags, etc..
; since the establishment of our factory to affordable prices, excellent quality to win the trust of new and old customers. Design and manufacture of handbags has been a novel, environmentally friendly, practical, long - term publicity. With the improvement of market share of products, we will continue to reform and innovation, to keep abreast of the times, to strengthen the production and operation management, to meet the requirements of the market development. We will adhere to the customer as the honor, careful design, professional build, first-class quality of the business.
New business
- Zhengzhou City Shatin clothing store
- Wugang industrial company labor supplies clothing factory
- Italy Dongguan shoe making machinery equipment Co., Ltd.
- Guangzhou City Song House Trading Co., Ltd.
- Jinxiexing Shoes Co. Ltd.
- Xiamen Hongxin Microfibre Materials Co Ltd
- Hangzhou dragon and enjoy the company
- Germany Henderson International Co. Ltd.
- Jinyun arts and Crafts Factory
- Changde Hunan Cotton Textile Co., Ltd.
- Jinjiang Fujian Shoes Co., Ltd.
- Cangnan Jinsui Arts & Crafts Co. Ltd.
- Guangzhou Wan Xin Textile Co., Ltd.
- goshop(中国)
- Xinshengindustrial Co. Ltd.
- Dongguan Chun Qing bags factory
- Foshan Nanhai Wei Sheng aluminum products factory 73978
- Shenzhen Guan Hua bag products Co., Ltd.
- Baiyun Kedina leather
- Guangzhou Tiancheng non-woven products factory
- Guangzhou Chong Mu metal products Co. Ltd.
- Qingdao Foxconn factory
- Guangdong wood bird leather Co., Ltd. to join the Department of
- Hongshun high frequency voltage products factory
- Zhengzhou City Shatin clothing store
- Wugang industrial company labor supplies clothing factory
- Italy Dongguan shoe making machinery equipment Co., Ltd.
- Guangzhou City Song House Trading Co., Ltd.
- Jinxiexing Shoes Co. Ltd.
- Xiamen Hongxin Microfibre Materials Co Ltd
- Hangzhou dragon and enjoy the company
- Germany Henderson International Co. Ltd.
- Jinyun arts and Crafts Factory
- Changde Hunan Cotton Textile Co., Ltd.
- Jinjiang Fujian Shoes Co., Ltd.
- Cangnan Jinsui Arts & Crafts Co. Ltd.