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Mau wing group    No Member

 Mau wing group Brand
Business Model
The Maoming wing group was founded in 1992 and is owned by Mr. Li Maoren. Its headquarters, office buildings and exhibition rooms in 95 are over ten thousand square feet. The exhibition room also showcases over 1000 new designs in Europe and the United States. The main sales market in the group is 50%, 40% in Europe and 10% in other markets. The main production line of the group is located in the mainland of China. The factory is called Mao Xing knitting fashion factory, located in Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong province. The factory is divided into three workshops, A, B and C, with a monthly production of 400000 garments. In Maoming, there is another branch named Mao Sheng. It also produces about 130000 garments per month for the group. The factories are all about the production of various needles (3 needles, 5 needles, 7 needles, 9 needles and 12 needles), weaving machines, computer looms, hair picking flowers looms, hand knitted, embroidered and pestle and so on.
Main Products
Contact information
Contact:   Luo Wei
Addr:        Xiang tou second industrial zone, Dalang Town, Dongguan, Guangdong