The factory in spinning, weaving through-train business, the production of colored cotton yarn, silk ribbon yarn and all kinds of pure cotton canvas, make various specifications of the tarpaulin, tents, a tank cap and three PVC, silicone sheeting....
Main Products
Contact information
New business
- Lida Machinery Factory
- Taizhou Baocheng Electronic Co Ltd
- Lucheng District of Wenzhou City Wu Ni quaternary shoe store
- Xiong Xia cloth Trading Co. Ltd.
- Qingdao Hui Cheng Le International Trade Co., Ltd.
- Jurong City Center for the purchase and sale of agricultural and sideline products Dian Gang
- Changxin Jinfa Textile Co. Ltd.
- Jiangyin Youxin textile company
- Shanghai everglory Textile Co Ltd
- Guangzhou Dean pedicle clothing Limited company
- Ji'nan Jia Zi shoes
- Dongyang Jiahui gold and silver wire handicraft factory
- Xiong Xia cloth Trading Co. Ltd.
- Qingdao Hui Cheng Le International Trade Co., Ltd.
- Jurong City Center for the purchase and sale of agricultural and sideline products Dian Gang
- Changxin Jinfa Textile Co. Ltd.
- Jiangyin Youxin textile company
- Shanghai everglory Textile Co Ltd
- Guangzhou Dean pedicle clothing Limited company
- Dongyang Jiahui gold and silver wire handicraft factory
- Yueqing maystar Electronics Co., Ltd.
- Jiangsu Shenjiang gas Textile Co., Ltd
- Fuming foamed rubber Co. Ltd.
- Ruisheng Textile Co., Ltd.
- Taizhou Baocheng Electronic Co Ltd
- Lucheng District of Wenzhou City Wu Ni quaternary shoe store
- Xiong Xia cloth Trading Co. Ltd.
- Qingdao Hui Cheng Le International Trade Co., Ltd.
- Jurong City Center for the purchase and sale of agricultural and sideline products Dian Gang
- Changxin Jinfa Textile Co. Ltd.
- Jiangyin Youxin textile company
- Shanghai everglory Textile Co Ltd
- Guangzhou Dean pedicle clothing Limited company
- Ji'nan Jia Zi shoes
- Dongyang Jiahui gold and silver wire handicraft factory
- Yueqing maystar Electronics Co., Ltd.