Division I has 50000 yarn spindle, shuttle weaving machine 800, the Japanese production of jet loom 180 Taiwan, can produce 47-126 inch flat lines, Gong, big small jacquard satin. ...
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New business
- Gongyi City Jianghe machinery manufacturing factory
- Rongfa group
- Suzhou gift industry Co. Ltd.
- Flying Australian wool
- Adidas Shanghai company
- Guangdong Shenzhen beautiful computer embroidery factory
- Ren bag
- Beijing Phoenix in flight clothing Limited company
- Chengdu Chenghua District Yama garment factory
- Hebei Cao Shuangju non-woven bags Co. Ltd.
- "Lian" Agency Co. Ltd.
- Tongxiang Luoman Textile Co., Ltd.
- Gongyi City Jianghe machinery manufacturing factory
- Suzhou gift industry Co. Ltd.
- Flying Australian wool
- Guangdong Shenzhen beautiful computer embroidery factory
- "Lian" Agency Co. Ltd.
- Tongxiang Luoman Textile Co., Ltd.
- Ruipai Technology
- Guangzhou City Art Enterprise Co., Ltd.
- Shenyang Junwei Research Co Ltd
- Tianjin city Kate Kang company
- Red Fang garment factory
- Xinyi fashion company
- Gongyi City Jianghe machinery manufacturing factory
- Suzhou gift industry Co. Ltd.
- Flying Australian wool
- Guangdong Shenzhen beautiful computer embroidery factory
- Ren bag
- Chengdu Chenghua District Yama garment factory
- Hebei Cao Shuangju non-woven bags Co. Ltd.
- "Lian" Agency Co. Ltd.
- Tongxiang Luoman Textile Co., Ltd.
- Ruipai Technology
- Guangzhou City Art Enterprise Co., Ltd.
- Shenyang Junwei Research Co Ltd