The company perennial production of 47 "-135" all kinds of polyester and cotton. Cotton cloth. Yarn dyed fabric. Jacquard fabric. The existing 400 shuttleless looms, the domestic rapier 60, Japan's Toyota Corporation production of JA710 air-jet loom 120 units, 230 80 sets of air-jet looms, 340CM48 (tappet 24. Dobby 24)....
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New business
- The extension of sky equipment (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
- Beijing willow Garment Co. Ltd.
- Mirtillo children's clothing brand
- Desheng bags Co.
- Shenzhen city Huishidun Machinery Equipment Co.
- Hongkong's official Limited by Share Ltd / Guangzhou City Xin era clothing Limited company
- Shenzhen City Xin Ying Zhong Digital Technology Co.
- Jiangsu province Sheyang County screen printing equipment factory
- Zhangjiagang Dingxin mesh cloth Co.
- Shenzhen city Huishidun Machinery Equipment Co.
- Shenzhen Jing Jia Company Limited
- Guangzhou city Tan Xin apiculture Co. Ltd.
- Guangzhou city Tan Xin apiculture Co. Ltd.
- Cangnan County town Hui Huang renewable cotton mill
- The South China Sea Aoqi Printing Co.
- Jiangsu nonwoven fabrics Co., Ltd.
- Qingdao Hongan Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd.
- Dongguan Aixin Machinery Factory
- Lee Business Companies
- Yixing Baifa non-woven fabric company
- Huayi Group
- Beijing Mengyi bedding Co., Ltd.
- Jin Kang Co. Ltd.
- Hebei city of Baoding Province Textile Limited Liability Company.
- Beijing willow Garment Co. Ltd.
- Mirtillo children's clothing brand
- Desheng bags Co.
- Shenzhen city Huishidun Machinery Equipment Co.
- Hongkong's official Limited by Share Ltd / Guangzhou City Xin era clothing Limited company
- Shenzhen City Xin Ying Zhong Digital Technology Co.
- Jiangsu province Sheyang County screen printing equipment factory
- Zhangjiagang Dingxin mesh cloth Co.
- Shenzhen city Huishidun Machinery Equipment Co.
- Shenzhen Jing Jia Company Limited
- Guangzhou city Tan Xin apiculture Co. Ltd.
- Shanghai Hong Na Textile Accessories Co.