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Dalian amazingdesign clothing company    No Member

Dalian amazingdesign clothing company Brand
Business Model
Experience: Amazingdesign is an independent clothing studio, prior to engaging in export trade for six years designed specifically for Europe and the United high-end luxury brands of OEM and ODM.
worldwide collection of high-grade fabrics, and only and the best clothing processing plant cooperation.
now for some reason in began effort to the domestic market, and the introduction of brand positioning, Amazingdesign.
: only the design of high-end products, fabrics and workmanship is Europe and the United States senior brand standards, styles were modified, more suitable for Chinese people.
Main Products
Contact information
Contact:   Mr. Zhang
Addr:   Dalian Liaoning  Dalian Liaoning  Zhongshan District, Jiefang Road City, Dalian