Guangzhou Yipai cloth handbag factory is a set design, production, sales as one of professional handbag factory. Factory since its launch in 2002 own brand "ippy" urban women fashion handbags, has rapidly gained the majority of domestic consumer acceptance and love in just a few years time, and exported to Southeast Asian countries and regions. Plant currently employs 200 - 300 people, and have a high degree of high-quality management and design team. Garden style industrial park, the factory covers an area of ten acres will be built, then the ippy production scale and the strength will be the last new step.
Iraq sent to "customer first, quality first, integrity management, to create a win-win" as the enterprise development of this, Iraq sent will provide the best quality products and services to products leading design and perfect quality management for customers. We sincerely welcome customers at home and abroad to visit the guidance.
The style of the product
Create professional fashion. "Ippy" in the full blend of national technology characteristics
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