Factory production history of 20 years, are working with the designers to complete their ideas. Surface treatment of advanced manufacturing techniques, are reflecting the Jinma human's unremitting efforts and pursuit of perfection. Main real estate decoration sculpture, indoor and outdoor new classicism, sculpture, garden sculpture, landscape sculpture, campus sculpture, dynamic and plant sculpture series, cartoon sculpture, fountain sculpture, Roman column sculpture, stainless steel sculpture, a wide variety of embossed style; resin crafts, flower pots of various materials, simulation and rock types of garden works and unique to Kinmen and Matsu Jinma copper art. Ten years and set up factories in the experience enable us to have the perfect design, manufacturing and installation of a dragon service. (welcome to our website to learn about our 20 years of experience.) Sunremittinghardworkandpursue.Ourmainproductsareconstructivesculptureseries' neoclassicalseriesforinteriororouterior, createandfix., artssculptureseries, gardeningsculptureseries, sightsculptureseries.Campussculptureseries, animalorplantsculptureseries, cartoonsculptureseries, fountainsculptureseries, Romecolumnsculptureseries, stainlesssteelsculptureseries, differentstylesreliefs.artworksofresin, differentmaterialsflowerpots.copygardeningsseriesandstonehillstylegardeningsseriesaswellasourspecialtechniqueofcopperetc.Twentyyears, experiencesofmakingproductsmakesusrewardthewholeserviceofperfectdesign,   (welcometoourwebsitetoshareourgrowingexperience) Afactorythathas20-year-longhistoryareworkingwiththedesignerstocreatetheirwonderfulideas.Ouradvancedandperfecttechnicsaswellasourvarioussurfacetreatmentsarereflectingthejinmahuman;
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New business
- Guangzhou Feiteng products company
- Guangzhou DSMC Machinery Co., Ltd.
- Shenzhen city love Underwear Co., Ltd.
- Zhongshan City, the town of Shaxi Jiahua printing materials
- Fujian Fuding Fenglin Xuan Trading Co. Ltd.
- Gaoyang County Julong textile Station
- Guangzhou City Department of letters Clothing Co., Ltd.
- An inventory of textile trade
- Qingdao Henry oxygen plant
- Liliang Garment Co. Ltd.
- Chun Meiduo
- Taizhou City, a night light industry and Trade Co., Ltd.
- Guangzhou DSMC Machinery Co., Ltd.
- Shenzhen city love Underwear Co., Ltd.
- Zhongshan City, the town of Shaxi Jiahua printing materials
- Fujian Fuding Fenglin Xuan Trading Co. Ltd.
- Taizhou City, a night light industry and Trade Co., Ltd.
- Gucheng County, Taixing County, the tent factory
- Shenzhen Jingutian Technology Co. Ltd.
- Henan Ai Feng Garments Co., Ltd.
- Baoding golden sun heat insulation is factory
- Dongguan city is still a Hardware Electronics Co., Ltd.
- Ka Star printing trademark packaging material Co., Ltd.
- Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, China Wire Mesh Factory
- Guangzhou Feiteng products company
- Guangzhou DSMC Machinery Co., Ltd.
- Shenzhen city love Underwear Co., Ltd.
- Zhongshan City, the town of Shaxi Jiahua printing materials
- Fujian Fuding Fenglin Xuan Trading Co. Ltd.
- Gaoyang County Julong textile Station
- Qingdao Henry oxygen plant
- Chun Meiduo
- Taizhou City, a night light industry and Trade Co., Ltd.
- Wenzhou Yi energy Shoes Co., Ltd.
- Laiwu Shandong Prince textile and garment factory
- Yuan Xiaojun (self-employed)