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He Yong Shan    No Member

 He Yong Shan Brand
Business Model
Dongtai Shipping Equipment Co., Ltd. is a professional company based on shipowners. It is a comprehensive enterprise which integrates ship materials and food supply. The company has high quality technical backbone and skilled professional workers, set up a user centered service consciousness, conscientiously listen to the implementation of the ship's opinions in the work, strictly manage the production and service according to the international quality system standards in the internal production and service management, ensure the quality and service quality of our ship repair, and let the shipowners feel at ease and satisfied. In addition, we have a standardized and mature procurement operation network, a modern management mode, a highly efficient and highly qualified staffing team. We always follow the purpose of service and the service concept of "Min", "quick", "seeking new" and "seeking high". We wholeheartedly provide all kinds of good quality and inexpensive products for ships anchored at various ports in Southeast China. At present, we are committed to expanding our new customers in a wider range. We sincerely hope that we can get more support and trust. “长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海”在未来的日子里,公司将以更高的定位,更高的要求,更高的标准推进企业发展,愿与航运界的新老朋友在各个领域内继续加强合作,让厦门金钰船务为你的船队提供优质的服务,携手共创美好未来! 只要告诉我你的需求,剩下的就由“东方江波人”来做 低价格 高效率 保船期 全天候 为国内外航运界的朋友提供优质的服务 备件、物料供应目录:通导系列:(FURUNO,JRC,SUMYUNG,KODEN,ANRITSU,NAVMAN,ACR,ICOM等中外品牌)雷达保安系统中高频甚高频卫星C站计程仪测深仪风向风速仪GPS定位仪示位标应答器罗经AISVDR卫星电视天线卫星电话双向无线电话声力电话单边带窄带对讲机手持定位仪六分仪三杆分度仪等救生设备:降落伞信号红火号橙色烟雾信号组合信号抛绳器淡水口粮药箱保温救生服救生圈救生衣海水电池 圈灯海水电池衣灯救生浮环浮索水密搜索灯搜索、信号两用灯信号球水密手电筒防爆手电(三节电池)手提防爆灯防风火柴日光信号镜登乘梯引水梯雷达反射器救生浮具救生筏释放器量油尺吸油毡浆座浆叉海锚布油袋渔具棕靠球雾钟船员雨衣耐火救生绳量杯哨笛水手刀3M反光带风雨蓬帆具起动型蓄电池干电池等消防设备:干粉灭火器CO2灭火器泡沫灭火器1211灭火器推车灭火器消防员装备逃生呼吸器空气瓶直流水枪直流开关水枪多用水枪水带箱(方形、半圆形)水带水带接扣管牙接扣异径接扣国际通岸接头胶圈喉箍背桶式空气泡沫枪泡沫背桶消防钩消防锹消防桶太平斧绝缘腰斧火警按钮烟感温感防火手套防火靴安全帽老鼠档等灯具系列:防爆灯鱼网灯吸顶灯探照灯工作灯搜索灯信号灯防雾灯航行灯等日记图书系列:轮机日志航海日志夜航命令簿车钟记录簿电台日志救生演 Record book guide, tide chart, guide list, port guide, fire control chart, training manual, lifesaving fire drill record, thin cargo ship contingency deployment table, crew strain card, port signal, life raft (boat) instructions, garbage bulletin chart, etc.
Main Products
Contact information
Contact:   He Yong Shan
Addr:        Yancheng, Jiangsu, China, Jiangsu, Dongtai, Xinjie Town, No. 70 people's Middle Road