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Zhongshan Dongsheng Zhenxiong Shunda electronic light rubber material factory    No Member

 Zhongshan Dongsheng Zhenxiong Shunda electronic light rubber material factory Brand
Business Model
Company location: Nakayama Shio Shunda electronic light rubber material factory is located in the hometown of Mr. Sun Zhongshan, the pioneer of the great democratic revolution in China. The great man's hometown has a long history and culture. The company has the geographical location of Guanggui; located in the central and southern part of the Pearl River Delta, the West Bank of the Pearl River; north to Guangzhou, near Hongkong, Shenzhen; Beijing Zhuhai expressway entrance, road and waterway traffic is very convenient. 三、公司主营产品: 1、广告礼品:EVA鼠标垫、BR鼠标垫、SBR鼠标垫、PE鼠标垫、布面鼠标垫、天然橡胶鼠标垫 丝印鼠标垫、热转印鼠标垫、PVC鼠标垫、相框鼠标垫、真皮鼠标垫、仿真皮鼠标垫;EVA杯垫、 BR杯垫、SBR杯垫、橡胶杯垫、冰箱贴、磁性冰箱贴、EVA磁性冰箱贴、PVC磁性冰箱贴等系列 2、户外用品:助威EVA手掌、啦啦队EVA手指、加油EVA手套、广告礼品EVA道具;看台EVA坐垫 教堂EVA跪垫、沙滩EVA坐垫、草皮EVA坐垫、户外EVA坐垫、海棉EVA跪垫、广告赠品EVA坐垫等 3、匙扣饰品:广告EVA匙扣、匙扣配饰EVA钥匙扣、海上钥匙EVA匙圈子、沙滩赠品EVA钥匙圈 箱包标牌EVA吊牌、玩具EVA钥匙链、时尚挂件EVA吊饰、手袋饰品EVA吊件、水上浮EVA匙扣等 4、橡塑制品;EVA垫、BR垫、SBR垫、回力胶垫、EVA垫圈、BR垫圈、SBR 垫圈、回力胶垫圈、 EVA护垫、BR护垫、SBR护垫、回力胶护垫、橡胶垫、橡胶圈、硅胶垫圈、硅胶密封垫等系列 5、塑料制品:模切加工PVC、PET、PP、PC垫片、各类塑料垫圈、来图来样订购异形密封垫片 精密模切PVC、PET、PC塑料镜片、电子电器、仪器仪表的塑料面板、日用品、玩具塑料镜片等 6、附件制品:PVC皮革垫、PVC皮革垫圈、PU垫、PU垫圈、各类真皮标牌、电压、印花皮类制 品;工业设备毛毡密封垫、毛毡垫圈、毛毡防尘垫片、自粘无防布、绒布形状加工等系列 四、联系方式: 1、工厂地址:中国广东省中山市东升镇同茂坦背同兴大道 2、商务联系人:业务部经理(叶国耀先生) 3、商务电话:0760-88505739 13823965645 4、商务QQ:447321796 5、
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Contact information
Contact:   Ye Guo Yao
Addr:        Tongmao Road, Tongsheng Road, Dongsheng Town, Zhongshan, Guangdong