Xiamen Imperial Germany trade limited company wholesale distribution of TPU foam leather, TPU floor, floor exercise, badminton flooring, decoration materials, TPU, PVC, PU net clamping floor, leather bags, shoes selling consumer market, consumers enjoy a higher status, the company with a number of retailers and agents to establish a long-term and stable cooperation the relationship between. TPU foam Xiamen Imperial German trading company sells leather, TPU floor, floor, floor, sports badminton decoration materials, TPU, PVC, PU net clamping floor leather, bags, shoes, complete varieties, reasonable price. Xiamen Imperial Germany trade limited company strength, heavy credit, keep the contract, to ensure product quality, variety of operating characteristics and the principle of small profits, won the trust of our customers, selling in overseas market.
XiamenKingdeTradingCo., Ltdwasestablishedin2012asatradingcompany.WehavethreemaincooperatingmanufactureswhichproducePUleather, TPUleather, TPUtarpaulin, TPUfiberfloorfordecoration, Sportsfloorformanyyears.TPUisakindofenvoronmentalproductandwidelyusedinsofa, shoes, bags, sportsgoods,.
Wearefamousforoursuperiorquality, competitiveprices, safepackageandpromptdelivery.Therefore, wecanfullysatisfyyourdemandsandhavealargecustomerbase.OurproductssellwellinIndonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, America, Singapore, Brazil, ect.
Apartfromourownproducts, wealsoprovideOEMservicesandacceptcustomizedordersaswell, ourproductsarepopularinoverseasmarkets.
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New business
- Shandong Kunyu film production company
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- Nanan Shida Footwear Company Limited
- With the goods
- Jiaxing City, the Tang Hui platinum beauty garment factory
- Shenzhen City Xin Ya Textile Garment Co. Ltd.
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- Anshan Jingwei Textile Co. Ltd.
- Shenzhen City Xin Ya Textile Garment Co. Ltd.
- Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province Chinese longrun Printing Machinery Co. Ltd.
- Bazhou Jianchapu Mingtai traffic facilities factory
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- Xi'an Mi Hong Electronic Technology Co. Ltd.
- Shanghai enjoy printing digital technology Co. Ltd.
- Shanghai Mo Xi Decoration Material Co. Ltd.
- Suzhou Hongsheng linkthink Chemical Technology Co. Ltd.
- Dongguan Ruitai Trading Co. Ltd.
- Jiaxing Helen Textile Co. Ltd.
- Anshan Jingwei Textile Co. Ltd.
- Nanan Shida Footwear Company Limited
- With the goods
- Shenzhen City Xin Ya Textile Garment Co. Ltd.
- Jinjiang Luen Thai Shoes Co. Ltd.
- Shishi Yijia shoes factory
- Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province Chinese longrun Printing Machinery Co. Ltd.
- Bazhou Jianchapu Mingtai traffic facilities factory
- Dongguan Keyuan antistatic Equipment Co., Ltd. ion air gun
- Wujiang tangshneg Textile Co., Ltd.
- Jiangyin Long Yu Machinery Co. Ltd.
- Xi'an Mi Hong Electronic Technology Co. Ltd.