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Baoding Yongxing stick factory    No Member

 Baoding Yongxing stick factory Brand
Business Model
Baoding Yongxing roller mill specializes in designing, researching, developing, manufacturing and processing all kinds of high precision products, such as steel roller, burning paper roller, embossing roller, mirror roller, wool roller, steel roller, napkins machine, rewinder and so on. Superb technology and advanced technology, to ensure that products in the leading position in the country. Yongxing rolling mill has many years of production experience, and has a group of experienced technicians. The company has the most advanced roll making equipment in China. The products are beautifully patterned, with clear patterns, clear lines and rich layers. At present, one of the professional manufacturers of various rolls in China has introduced advanced roll making equipment and first-class designers at home and abroad. Yongxing rolling mill is located in the new urban area of Baoding, where transportation is convenient and communication is well-developed. 107 National Road, Beijing Guangzhou railway and Beijing Shenzhen Expressway are all passed here. Since its inception, the company has taken an active part in the fierce competition in the market and devoted itself to the design, development and production of the unique new flower rollers. The product quality has been implemented in three packages, and has been awarded the title of "provincial contract and trustworthy unit" for many times, enjoying a high reputation in the industry. Yongxing adhere to technology as the pioneer, excellent product quality, perfect pre-sale consultation and after-sales service, integrity and the vast number of customers work together to create the future.
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Contact information
Contact:   Baoding Yongxing stick factory
Addr:        Hebei Baoding Hebei Baoding West Outer Ring Road West