Factory in the ancient city of Baoding City, Hebei City, located in North China Pearl "Baiyangdian", Beijing, Tianjin, and the stone triangle, is a big Beijing economic circle. North from Beijing 140 kilometers, 150 kilometers away from Tianjin, 145 kilometers south of Shijiazhuang, beautiful scenery and convenient transportation. Qingyuan County Tianyuan cotton processing plant is a gauze, cotton gauze, gauze mask, metal gauze, polyester cotton fabric, bleached gauze, sanitary materials, bags and bottom cloth, Doubao cloth, Baupib, bales of cotton cloth etc. Products specialize in producing, processing of the private-owned enterprises. Factory since its establishment, with its solid strength and good reputation, with many customers established a good business relationship, in the small profits and quick turnover, mutual benefit and common development under the premise, and achieved good economic benefits and social benefits. "Forge ahead in unity, pioneering and innovative, to the letter for this, to create a harmonious" is our faith, we will continue to grow and the development of domestic and foreign customers with economic and trade exchanges and cooperation, common development and create harmony. Welcome friends from all walks of life to visit the Qingyuan County Tianyuan cotton factory visit, guidance and business negotiation. Contact: Geng light, contact: 0312-8058118 13930200515 13582217290
OurancientcityofBaodinginHebeiinnorthChinaPearl" Baiyangdian" Sea, Beijing, TianjinandShijiazhuangtriangle, itisalargeBeijingEconomicCircle.140kmsouthofBeijing, Tianjin, 150kmeast, 145kmnorthofShijiazhuang, beautifulsceneryandconvenienttransportation.QingyuanCounty, Tianyuanisagauzecottonplant, cottongauze, gauzemask, gauzelining, Cyarncloth, bleachedgauze, sanitarymaterials, clothbagsattheend, BEANBAGclothbagPibu, balesofcottonclothandotherproductsofprofessionalproductionandprocessingofprivateenterprise.Sinceourinception, withitsstrongstrengthandgoodreputation, withmanycustomerstoestablishagoodbusinessrelationship, thepuerile, mutualbenefitandcommondevelopmentunderthepremiseofachievingoutstandingeconomicandsocialbenefits." Forgeaheadinunity, pioneeringandinnovative, tothisletter, tocreateharmony" isourfaith, wewillcontinuetogrowanddevelopeconomicandtradeexchangeswithdomesticandinternationalcustomersandcooperation, commondevelopmentandcreateharmony.WelcomefriendsfromQingyuanCountyTianyuancottonfactoryvisits, guidancean Contact0312-80581181393020051513582217290, dbusinessnegotiation.Contact:GengGuanghui
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New business
- Beijing Jiayi curtain fabric Co.
- Heshan Ying Feng Machinery Co., Ltd.
- Shanghai Shennan warning tape production department
- Yiwu former Ann electronic commerce firm
- Humen, Dongguan City, Tao cloth shop
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- HTC Suniteyou villi limited liability company
- Ruian City Thai Machinery Co., Ltd.
- Shanghai Peitemeng Apparel Industrial Co. Ltd.
- Anji new garden bamboo products factory
- Guangzhou Alan Leather Co., Ltd.
- An Pingxin Fulong metal products factory
- Beijing Jiayi curtain fabric Co.
- Heshan Ying Feng Machinery Co., Ltd.
- Shanghai Shennan warning tape production department
- Yiwu former Ann electronic commerce firm
- Humen, Dongguan City, Tao cloth shop
- HTC Suniteyou villi limited liability company
- Ruian City Thai Machinery Co., Ltd.
- Anji new garden bamboo products factory
- An Pingxin Fulong metal products factory
- Fujian province Nanjing Xinrong Textile Co Ltd
- Qinhuangdao Fur Trade Co., Ltd.
- Ceng Chaoyong
- Beijing Jiayi curtain fabric Co.
- Heshan Ying Feng Machinery Co., Ltd.
- Shanghai Shennan warning tape production department
- Yiwu former Ann electronic commerce firm
- Humen, Dongguan City, Tao cloth shop
- Beijing Deshifeng Garment Co., Ltd. tie
- HTC Suniteyou villi limited liability company
- Ruian City Thai Machinery Co., Ltd.
- Anji new garden bamboo products factory
- An Pingxin Fulong metal products factory
- Fujian province Nanjing Xinrong Textile Co Ltd
- Qinhuangdao Fur Trade Co., Ltd.