Our factory set up factories in 1991 and have rich production experience. It is trusted and praised by the vast number of garment manufacturers both at home and abroad. Our factory strictly produces washed down eiderdown according to the standard. According to the different requirements of customers, we can produce national standards, Japanese standards, European standards, American standards and other national standards. Our factory produces large down and down flours with high flush and high fluffiness. Transparency is high. No odor. It is competitive in price and quality. First, it is better than price and quality. Perfect service for you.
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New business
- Yangzhou Hanjiang Zhenhua garment accessories factory
- Longsheng Towel Factory
- Kunshan Anton Electronics Co., Ltd.
- Shandong Jay Yan Ribbon Factory
- Wenzhou Wen Mei leather making equipment factory
- Nanjing Mei Gabriel International Trade Co., Ltd. (garment Department)
- Suzhou Industrial Park City bride dress Co., Ltd.
- Shaoxing Xin Ao transfer printing factory
- Changshu Rui Xin Chemical Anticorrosion Equipment Co., Ltd.
- Dongguan Xin Pai Printing Machinery Co., Ltd.
- Taixing Huacheng lamp plastic Co., Ltd.
- Xiamen Jinqiu Garments Co., Ltd.
- Longsheng Towel Factory
- Kunshan Anton Electronics Co., Ltd.
- Dongguan Xin Pai Printing Machinery Co., Ltd.
- Wuxi Wanfang dyeing and Finishing Machinery Co., Ltd.
- Luoyang new holiday dress Co., Ltd.
- Chongqing you and I Culture Communication Co., Ltd.
- Cangnan County Ju Xin bag factory
- Tianjin Haiying carpet Co., Ltd.
- Guangzhou Eli leather wholesale Department
- Tai'an Xin Lai Te composite material Co., Ltd.
- Yiwu Ruan Di e-commerce business
- Shenzhen Wan Yi garment factory
- Yangzhou Hanjiang Zhenhua garment accessories factory
- Longsheng Towel Factory
- Kunshan Anton Electronics Co., Ltd.
- Shandong Jay Yan Ribbon Factory
- Wenzhou Wen Mei leather making equipment factory
- Nanjing Mei Gabriel International Trade Co., Ltd. (garment Department)
- Shaoxing Xin Ao transfer printing factory
- Changshu Rui Xin Chemical Anticorrosion Equipment Co., Ltd.
- Dongguan Xin Pai Printing Machinery Co., Ltd.
- Taixing Huacheng lamp plastic Co., Ltd.
- Qingyuan city Qingxing District Taihe Town Star morning clothing store
- Wuxi Wanfang dyeing and Finishing Machinery Co., Ltd.