; The following products for my company to spot price:
30sT/C 50/50 78/65/98" (7.40 yuan), 114" (8.70)
; 40sT/C 50/50 100/80/103" ($9.50);
40sC 100/80/103" (9.80 yuan) of
40sC 110/90/98" (11.50 yuan) of
Above the plain cloth
40sC 133/72/98" (9.80 yuan) a
The above specifications are rapier weaving machine, that can be supplied from stock, other specifications can be according to your requirements for weaving.
Another of the company to seek cooperation in the textile raw materials, mainly include: polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), DDF, starch, cotton (21sC-26sC, 30sT/C, 30sC, 32sC, 40sT/C, 40sC), mean manufacturers please contact the company now with a number of interviews, the operating principle, welcome from all walks of life hand in hand and wanted to join.
My company's existing 1000 tons of cotton (brown), if necessary, please contact. Large favorably.