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Hangzhou Hongxiu dress Co. Ltd    No Member

Hangzhou Hongxiu dress Co. Ltd Brand
Business Model
Misty rain shrouded in May, Hangzhou Fengqi Road, there is a clothes shop like this: red door, bright landing glass shop with soft lighting and gently echoed with the sound of music, this is tea clothing store. Now the tea can also be called hope show, hope to display, logo is a red and white combination, lively and classic. On the right side of the window is very attractive, but not a model, also do not see a piece of clothing, placed there are three two high glass box, lamp through the glass box, then softly emit a halo, let the black and white pattern box shows a faint with lonely fashion. This unique, amazing
Main Products
Contact information
Contact:   Bear boss
Addr:       Hangzhou Moganshan Road No. 478