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Dongguan LUSHEN Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd.    No Member

 Dongguan LUSHEN Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd. Brand
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Contact: Mr. Song: mobile phone: 13662726556 telephone: 0769-89876473 QQ: 732605154 Fax: 0769-87076883 address: address: Dongguan City Wanjiang District Community Business South Road, Guangdong Dongguan green deep Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise that is committed to environmental protection engineering such as dust control and waste gas treatment. After years of practice, the company has built up a perfect quality assurance system in the fields of industrial dust removal technology, waste gas treatment equipment technology, noise control technology, wastewater reuse technology, sewage treatment technology, pure water treatment technology and other service areas. 经营项目1、工业废气处理设备:酸雾净化塔、酸雾净化设备、有机废气处理、酸雾吸收塔、PP废气处理塔、酸碱废气处理设备、活性碳吸附塔,活性碳纤维净化有机尾气(回收有机溶剂),除尘设备,厨房油烟净化,粉尘处理,燃油废气处理,锅炉废气处理,发电机尾气处理,喷漆废气处理、有机无机废气处理,除苯除臭工程等;2、污水处理工程:油墨废水处理,屠宰废水处理,印染毛织洗涤废水处理,生活污水处理,电镀废水处理,造纸废水处理,漂染废水处理,喷漆废水处理,电解电容废水处理等;3、粉尘处理设备:中央集尘设备,脉冲布袋式除尘器,工业集尘器,旋风除尘器,小型移动式除尘器,滤筒式除尘器,布袋除尘器、锅炉脱硫除尘设备、湿式除尘器、泡沫除尘器等经营产品废气处理设备,有机废气处理,酸雾净化塔,除尘设备,废气净化、酸雾净化器、 Acid mist purification equipment, acid mist exhaust treatment equipment, organic waste gas treatment equipment, inorganic waste gas treatment, acid and alkali cleaning equipment, wet dust removal equipment, bag dust collector, industrial dust collector, cyclone dust collector, filter cartridge dust collector, small dust collector, electrostatic precipitator, smoke purifier, oil fume purifier, workshop ventilation, acid and alkali waste water treatment equipment, electroplating production line, Hauser trough equipment. Waste gas treatment tower, waste gas absorption tower, activated carbon adsorption tower, PP activated carbon adsorption tower, spray tower, washing tower; various PP, PVC, FRP waste gas treatment equipment, PP acid mist treatment tower, PP spray tower, PP washing tower, PP activated carbon adsorption tower, PP air pipe, PP ventilation system, PP fan, air duct preparation (such as environmental protection related products). Our environmental protection products are widely used in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shantou, Shaoguan, Foshan, Jiangmen, Zhanjiang, Maoming, Zhaoqing, Zhaoqing, Zhaoqing, and so on. A branch office is established with neighbouring areas of Guangdong, such as Guangxi, Fujian, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Hainan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Yunnan, Yunnan and so on. Adaptive range furniture factory, grinding plant, hardware factory, shoe factory, plastic factory, food factory, leather factory, chemical plant, etc. Contact: Mr. Song: 13662726556 QQ:732605154
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Addr:   [db: province]   [db: city]   Wantang District, Wanhe District, Dongguan.