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Zhongshan Baochen Electromechanical Equipment Co. Ltd.    No Member

Zhongshan Baochen Electromechanical Equipment Co. Ltd. Brand
Business Model
  中山市宝辰机电设备有限公司于1998年开始研发纳米晶大功率开关电源(高频开关电源即整流机),核心部件采用专利纳米晶变压器,此技术已在11个国家注册了专利.是我国成功研发大功率开关电源最早的企业.公司实力雄厚,综合力强,技术先进,集研发,生产,销售为一体.已成为电力电子行业较有影响的高科技企业.    公司拥有博士,高级工程师,工程师多名.现已成功研发投产的产品有一百五十多种规格,广泛应用于泡沫镍生产,PCB生产,五金电镀,阳极氧化,充电等行业.有水冷电源,油冷电源,风冷电源.产品具有结构设计合理,质量可靠,节电省时,抗腐蚀力强,电镀效果好,维护简易等优势.    公司以客户利益至上,提供优质的服务宗旨.我们坚信保证客户的利益是我们发展壮大的基础,中山宝辰与你一同共创辉煌!     我们公司生产的开关电源有三大 Features: 1.  high efficiency & nbsp; silicon controlled the highest conversion efficiency is only 75%, the half load or light load can reach 55% - 65%; switching power supply can reach 85% - 93%, compared with the power of our products conversion loss is much smaller than that of silicon rectifier.   2 small size, light weight     our switching power supply is only silicon rectifier 1/5, the weight is only 1/10 of SCR rectifier, it is easy for you to plan.   3     ; product conversion rate is high, the heat dissipation performance is excellent, compared with the controllable silicon can save 20% - 30%, for electroplating enterprises to reduce the cost will play an important role.                                       部分客户名单:深圳五洲电路  深圳欣强电路  深圳精维进电子 深圳华祥电路 深圳宏俐电子 深圳美祥顺  深圳嘉鸿泰 深圳鸿盛明 深圳常润 深圳盈利达 深圳永利鑫 深圳蓝宝 东莞杨宣(总公司)电子科技 昆山杨宣电子  长沙力元新材料 沈阳北方电子 中山文成电路板 中山新星电路 博罗俊祥炜业电子  山东天宇科技 天津海洋赫格隆 博罗九潭力诚电镀厂 顺德华龙电镀 天津新津 开平新明光 开平鸿杰 恩平冠铨电子 江阴长寿电器 昆山同心恒力科技 重庆鼎龙机电设备 云南玉 Xi Xing red solar energy.13418492204  Liu Sheng
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Addr:   [db: Province  [db: City  Port town of Sha Sha port 72