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Beijing Guan Test Instrument Co., Ltd.    No Member

 Beijing Guan Test Instrument Co., Ltd. Brand
Business Model
Beijing crown Test Instrument Co., Ltd. contact person: Yan Su (Engineer) telephone: 010-57223838 mobile phone: 15300096838 QQ:657342445 mailbox: Beijing, Haidian District Yongfeng industrial base, new material venture building B-429 website: c13554 Main: focus on voltage breakdown, sponge foam detection, mechanical impact, material testing machine, rubber plastics and other testing instruments production and sales. High quality and low price factory direct sales: it is widely used in building materials, aerospace, machinery manufacturing, wire and cable, rubber plastic, automobile manufacturing, shock absorber system and other industries, material inspection and analysis, is an ideal test equipment for research institutions, colleges and universities, industrial and mining enterprises, technology supervision, commodity inspection and arbitration departments. 主要产品: CLQ-20落球冲击试验机 MCJ-20KN门窗角强度试验机 MCLX-20门窗力学试验机 SLD-1000撕裂度测定仪 CBM-3A薄膜冲击试验机-微机控制 DRD-20KV电弱点测试仪-(计算机控制) DLD系列(0-5KN)电子拉力试验机-单柱-液晶显示 DLS系列(0-300KN)电子拉力试验机-双柱-液晶显示 WDD系列电子万能试验机-单柱-电脑控制 GEST-121高电阻微电流测试仪(电阻率测定) DDJ-100KV工频击穿强度耐电压试验仪 PMLS-100海绵/泡沫拉伸强度试验机-液晶 PMPL-2000海绵/泡沫疲劳压陷试验机 GCPQ-100海绵泡沫切割机(实验室专用) PMYX-100海绵泡沫压陷硬度测定仪(微机控制) CLB—30A落镖冲击试验机-微机控制 CLC-300A落锤冲击试验机-微机控制 MDR-300马丁耐热试验仪-微机控制 NDH-20KV耐电弧试验机-(计算机控制) DDJ(10-100KV)介电击穿强度测定仪-电脑控制 QBX-20KV漆包线电压击穿试验仪 RTSL-400A熔体流动速率测定仪- 微机 RGBP-120软管爆破试验机 M-200塑料滑动摩擦磨损试验机-微机控制(液晶显示) GB3398/ISO2039塑料球压痕硬度计-微机 WDS系列(0-300KN)微机控制电子万能试验机-门式 GB/T1634 维卡软化点温度测定仪-微机 CBC系列悬臂梁冲击试验机-微机控制 WZY-15万能制机样 ZQK-I缺口制样机 YLJ-II哑铃形制样机 CPJ-25冲片机 GCZR-08 45°角机车车辆材料燃烧试验仪 GCZR-21 材料产烟毒性试验装置 GCZR-01 垂直法织物阻燃性能测试仪 GCZR-23 单根电线电缆垂直燃烧测试仪 GCZR-18 绗缝制品燃烧率测定仪 GCRZ-26 航空材料垂直水平燃烧性能测试仪 GCZR-27 航空内饰材料阻燃性能测试仪 GCZR-07 建筑材料可燃性试验仪 GCZR-14 建筑材料难燃性试验仪 GCZR-15 建筑材料烟密度试验仪 GCZR-04 耐对流热试验装置 GCZR-25 耐接触热试验装置 GCZR-17 泡棉(软垫)家具阻燃性能测试仪 GCZR-16 皮革材料水平燃烧性能测试仪 GCZR-20 铺地材料 Combustion performance tester (radiant heat source method) GCZR-06 automotive interior flame retardant testing machine GCZR-02 comprehensive protective mask flame retardancy tester GCZR-03 thermal protection performance tester GCZR-09 horizontal flame retardant tester GCZR-05 medical mask Flame Retardant Tester GCZR-27 medical surgical mask gas exchange pressure difference tester GCZR-10 fabric vertical flame spread tester, GCZR-13 fabric resist tester, GCZR-12 fabric heat conductivity tester, GCZR-1 automatic rubber / asphalt oxygen index tester, flame retardant conveyor belt alcohol burner burner, fire retardant paper and paperboard combustion performance tester.
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Contact information
Addr:   [db: province]   [db: city]   Beijing Haidian District Yongfeng industrial base new material venture building B-429