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Shaanxi Puluodi Control Technology Co.    No Member

Shaanxi Puluodi Control Technology Co. Brand
Business Model
Puluodi - world famous fluid control experts! Puluodi Puluody within the scope of global research and development, production and sales of industrial products for measuring and aims to improve production quality, strengthen environmental protection and safe, efficient and economic industrial measurement and control. The main customers Puluodi Puluody company group is the world's petroleum, chemical, energy, aviation, national defense, railway, machinery organization, and various research institutions, supervision and inspection, public utilities and various industrial fields, the oil measurement resides in the world leading position. With Puluodi and improve the services in China and can provide all kinds of service for customers, and strengthen the ability of localization operation, Puluodi currently in Xi'an aerospace construction have research and Development & production base. Provide superb Chinese for measurement and control technology Puluodi and Southeast Asian customers, and solve the problem of various types of customers! 服务领域的优势能力:颗粒度专用取样瓶,颗粒度取样瓶, 颗粒度计数器,油液颗粒度分析仪,粘度分析仪,溶解氧,电导率,酸度计,闭口闪点,开口闪点,凝点,馏程,密度,残炭,铜片腐蚀,倾点,运动粘度,实际胶质,水分,银片腐蚀,雷德法饱和蒸气压,燃灯法硫含量,硫含量测定仪(管式炉法),机械杂质(重量法),氧化安定性(诱导期法),旋转氧弹法,抗乳化性,蒸发损失,(诺亚克法),锈蚀,破乳化值,灰分,泡沫倾向性,沸点,冰点,锥入度,针入度,滴点,水解安定性,密封适应性指数,热氧化安定性,铅含量(铬酸盐容量法),盐含量,色度,抗氨性能,光安定性,熔点(冷却曲线),沉淀物,空气释放值,曲轴箱模拟,万次剪切试,酸值、酸度,漏失量,抗水淋性能,防腐蚀性,平衡回流沸点,钢网分油(静态法),减压馏程,石油仪器,实验室设施

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Addr:   [db: Province  [db: City  Xi'an Aerospace Avenue West