ABSON ABSON Scientific Instruments Group is headquartered in the United States, and is a famous brand in the field of international basic laboratory instruments and equipment. It has been specializing in the design, development and sale of ABSON brand high quality biological laboratories, chemical laboratories, basic medical equipment and other high-tech companies. The company has been established for 50 years. 主要经营:ABSON品牌的产品,包括:微型离心机,迷你离心机,高速微型离心机,小型高速离心机,恒温金属浴,干式恒温器,恒温振荡器,微孔板恒温振荡器,血清凝固器,恒温混匀仪,振荡性恒温金属浴, 氮吹仪,氮气吹扫仪,手提式紫外仪,分光光度计,可见分光光度计,红外线灭菌器, 生化培养箱、二氧化碳培养箱、光照培养箱、人工气候箱、霉菌培养箱、恒温恒湿箱、各种鼓风干燥箱、真空干燥箱、电热恒温培养箱、水槽各种生物仪器及相应的耗材.服务于教育、工业、环保、生命科学等多个领域的100多万名客户.公司的服务宗旨:质量和信誉第一.艾本森科学仪器集团(ABSON Scientific Instruments Group)2004年进入中国,经过几年在中国的认真考察,终于在2008年中国安徽成立合肥艾本科学仪器有限公司。 Hefei AI Ben Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd., in order to meet the growing demand in China, adopts synchronous management and production technology, relying on the advanced technology of all imported numerical control equipment, and based on China at the most reasonable price, to provide the best and excellent laboratory upgrading equipment for China and the whole world, while introducing excellent products from the US headquarters to sell in China. Adhering to the spirit of rigor, solidarity and cooperation, and serving our high quality, high efficiency and sincere service, we constantly meet the needs of hard working people in the field of scientific research and development.
Main Products
Contact information
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Addr: | [db: province] [db: city] Two floor, 88 Shengli Road, Hefei, Anhui |
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