"Fubide [FORBIDDEN]" inspired by the ancient "Bible" story. "The Bible • there is such a description:" Genesis the serpent tempts Eve toushijinguo, that they are forbidden to touch and eat "the tree fruit" -- "the day you eat, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God like that, knowing good and evil." From the original intention of speaking, "forbidden fruit (forbidden fruit)" has brought to mankind "out of chaos, the meaning of human liberation".
"Fubide [FORBIDDEN]" men's underwear with a ear and the desire of expression are men, are also popular gifts. During the spring and summer of 2003 launch of the styles of tension, perspective and emphasizes the asymmetry; color combinations, black and white color, beige, orange color and blue and green lines complement each other; fabric, with high-tech fiber underwear manufacturer Carvico European professional R & D and Leica, Tencel, fiber mixed fabric. The garment has the expressive fashion and sexy, expand the underwear wearing occasions, with exquisite craft and shape, advocated a new image of modern men's health advocate, romantic, taste.