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Qingdao auspicious health protection products Co. Ltd.    No Member

Qingdao auspicious health protection products Co. Ltd. Brand
Business Model
Qingdao auspicious health protection products Co., Ltd. Lakeland industries, Inc. (Lakeland industries, Inc., is a company specializing in the production of high quality, high performance industrial protective clothing, and has a multi product department of listed companies. Its products are sold in many regions of the world and enjoy a high reputation in the world. Ronkonkoma was founded in 1982, headquartered in New York,, the annual sales of more than 100000000 U.S. dollars, which is sufficient to prove that it is in constant growth, and gradually get people's recognition, all of which are due to its continuous development and innovation.

Lakeland industry has more than 1300 employees worldwide, is the world's largest industrial protective clothing manufacturer, its distribution of the world's factory can produce about 600000 pieces of clothing per week. At the same time, in the field of industrial protective clothing, the product category is the most, including:

• a variety of disposable protective clothing

• chemical protective clothing

• fire service,

• clean room with clothing

&# 8226; anti static clothing

• anti cutting, flame, chemical gloves, etc.
Main Products
Contact information
Addr:   Shandong  Qingdao  Economic-Technological Development Area