hold international Bags & luggages Exhibition for the first time since 2004, has been eleventh years. "Eleven years grinding sword, the plot thick and thin hair", successful adaptation Pijuxiangbao consumer demand showing individuality, functions, practical quality and high-end brand purchasing trends.
BLSE2013展会回顾,800多家参展企业及品牌有金路达、劳斯、帅特、迪斯尼、3DKNIGHT、COSAC、姿秀飞、昕楷昌、艾尔仕、雅博、天虹、新达、泉州锦林、盛唐、玛柯斯曼、恒丰、金艳服饰、天盈、安发、鑫剑、昌兴、阿迪曼尔、佰思登、汇信进出口、恒匠AILEY CASES、千禧龙、海洋之星、中宝、香港美事来、卡美多、伊他睿、科瑞、乔安国际、富路其、全顺、弘意国际、芬得兰、米兰、韩国途福乐、迪米格、虎豪、保兰德、郁容富、香港亿德、伊杜波西、南鸿、赫斯、敞盛、凯伦、台湾罗宾、富荣泰、华顶、万达、意大利普迪莎、博铭、喜荗、宇航、枫胤、诗菡、博旭、钰优豪、俊恩、特顺、楚菡、海威尔、仁庆、弘鼎、新百丽、吉尔达、宝利特、明威、联冠、英国沃森、香港贝伦、骏丰国际、马奇隆、德华、利源、古莱仕、 Gosu, create, Mo Dailu, Affandi, cool, Danibare, Ou Renni, Ma Shi Kai Au, Wei Lian, banner, space far east, energy-saving, Korea IGD company, Depp, Tang Wei, East Paul, East Siao, Chun, Central Europe and other more than 1000 kinds of products to attract more than 70000 exhibitors merchants to come to visit to discuss. The turnover intention of more than 100 billion, 18.2% growth over the previous, create bags industry purchasing high. Visiting businessmen from home and abroad to 23 countries and regions have made extensive social benefit and economic benefit.