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Hermia Garment Co., Ltd.    No Member

Hermia Garment Co., Ltd. Brand
Business Model
                 赫米亚时装是一家集设计开发,生产制作,市场销售时尚女装一体的私营企业.公司注重品牌,倡导个性化,休闲化,品牌大众化的精品意识. 赫米亚女装自1990年创品牌以来,不断开扩,创新加大改革投入,年生产量为20万件左右.拥有200多台日本原装高速车等一系列先进配套设备.经过十几年的发展与积累,公司现已拥有一支专业而充满活力和设计师团队,一批专注而富有经验的营销,管理,生产技术人员.公司同时聘请了一批经验丰富的一线工人在保证产品质量与国际同步的同时也保证了销售旺季货源的充实生产工艺精工细作,秉承了欧式服饰质量高品质为技术引导的精湛工艺. 面对时装市场的竞争和挑战,公司将一如既往,以尽心敬业的创业态度,以创造品牌附加值来满足市场的需求;以至诚至信的客户服 Wu, bring forth the new through the old product R & D, steadfast rigorous style of enterprises, as the quality is our life. The spirit of mutual benefit and win-win principle, by virtue of the rich connotation of the brand, unique design process, moderate price system, to continue to expand the brand development direction, the main brand in the steady development of an uncertain business.                                
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Contact information
Addr:   Guangdong  Guangzhou  Guangzhou white horse clothing market five building 5213 room