according to the Meida garment factory
Shenzhen yimeida garment factory was founded in 2005, is a set design, production, processing and sales comprehensive production enterprise, located in Shen Hui highway and expressway is profound strategic two important links between civil economy.
1> 深圳T恤,广告T恤,运动服定做批发;订做广告帽,太阳帽,圆领衫,翻领衫,广告风衣,广告围裙,促销套裙,运动帽,棒球帽,童帽,休闲帽,工作帽,时装帽,渔夫帽,空顶帽,卡通帽,礼帽,鸭舌帽,高尔夫帽等来样订做
2> 企业团体制服:工作制服 工衣T恤 职业装 衬衣 西服套装 校服 防静电服等来样订做
3> 行业制服:酒店工作服 保安服 清洁服 工程服 娱乐服 公交航空服 医院制服等来样订做
可以代理:丝印、烫画、个性相片订做、情侣装订做、DIY图案制作、费用另计.【丝印:1.00元一个颜色,多色按0.6每个颜色算;不足300件要加收200.00元的网版费。 Other negotiable! ]
New business
- Han Guo butterfly clothing Limited company
- Heng Kai _ Jiaozuo Heng Kai clothing wholesale supermarket
- Shanghai Rui Yin Cci Capital Ltd
- Liaoning Province, Li Mingxin leaf clothing Limited company
- Tongxiang Wutong yelong sweater processing factory
- Shanghai Hassan Garments Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Office
- Shanghai winter Qinya clothing company
- Beijing nine cattle days Tong Trade Co Ltd
- Dynamic head dynamic head _ Wenzhou clothing wholesale market Co. Ltd.
- Qing Ping waterproof material factory
- Ordinary clothing company
- Saint lion Dayton clothing factory
- Han Guo butterfly clothing Limited company
- Heng Kai _ Jiaozuo Heng Kai clothing wholesale supermarket
- Liaoning Province, Li Mingxin leaf clothing Limited company
- Tongxiang Wutong yelong sweater processing factory
- Shanghai winter Qinya clothing company
- Dynamic head dynamic head _ Wenzhou clothing wholesale market Co. Ltd.
- Ordinary clothing company
- Jiangyin Zhutang town Hongteng Garment Co., Ltd
- Guangzhou topkids Trading Co., Ltd.
- Xuzhou Qilong Trade Co., Ltd. Siyang garment washing branch
- Deqing County Huikang Textile Industry Co., Ltd.
- Zhejiang Mena Garments Co., Ltd.
- Han Guo butterfly clothing Limited company
- Saint lion Dayton clothing factory
- Guangzhou topkids Trading Co., Ltd.
- Entrepreneurial thread color card Co. Ltd.
- Beautiful island clothing Limited company
- Huizhou City, the old Ming Garment Co. Ltd.
- Zhongshan city Shaxi town Baocheng garment factory
- Proton's sweater factory
- Chancheng District, Foshan Titan garment factory
- Yangjiang city flagship clothing Limited company
- House wooden Garment Co. Ltd.
- Guangdong son of a sent men T-shirt label