公司是专业生产各款带类制品. 专门引进台湾.日本的专业织带机.马来西亚进口橡筋与绦纶为主要原料.主要产品有针织尼龙橡根,花边橡根, 丝光橡根,特多纶橡根,提花橡根,尼龙织带腰带,poly织带,PP织带,,各类圆绳织带, 各类手机吊绳,手提带,代为客户设计加工各类织带制品魔术贴(粘扣带)制品.
本公司从上世纪九十年代初开始从事织带行业,有着丰富的织带生产经验,有一大批从事织带行业十年以上经验丰富的员工, 特别是近年来为各客户开发出很 多织带新品种,深受各客户的好评.
本企业一向以重质量、守信用作为经营根本, Therefore, to win the trust of customers at home and abroad. In the future the company is willing to first-class quality with you defend your brand reputation, by the unique style of marketable products with you to develop new markets, with suitable price and you share a common interest.
sincerely welcome people from all walks of life to carry out the operations and
New business
- _ Suzhou Hengrun Import & Export Co., Ltd.
- Quanzhou Dongsheng Shoes Co., Ltd.
- Qingdao Kailida Textile Machinery Factory
- Zhengzhou Giordano road Footwear Company Limited
- West wire code
- Jiangsu province Wuxi City Di if garment factory
- Ji'an Pengcheng shoes factory
- Heshan shaping high soft plastic products factory
- Nanyang Bo Shi Trading Co., Ltd.
- Wuxi Chuangyuan Machinery Co., Ltd.
- Urban beauty Garment Co., Ltd
- Shandong shengshida reflective film company
- _ Suzhou Hengrun Import & Export Co., Ltd.
- Zhengzhou Giordano road Footwear Company Limited
- Jiangsu province Wuxi City Di if garment factory
- Ji'an Pengcheng shoes factory
- Urban beauty Garment Co., Ltd
- Triangle town in Zhongshan city HTC rubber processing factory
- Guangzhou City Yun Qi clothing company
- Wuhan City Yu Lin Baer clothing Limited company
- Guangdong Province Dongguan City Yuqing apparel Co., Ltd.
- Nanjing Jinhu Clothing Co., Ltd.
- Aolida sweater garment Co. Ltd.
- Xuancheng Sanchuan Garments Co., Ltd.
- Urban beauty Garment Co., Ltd
- Triangle town in Zhongshan city HTC rubber processing factory
- Guangzhou City Yun Qi clothing company
- The heart and the Garment Co. Ltd.
- Clothes clothing company
- Blue horse, George Giordano, Kang Jiao Guangdong general agent
- Le Figaro Garment Co. Ltd. of Zhuhai
- Guangzhou city Haizhuqu District Lanma garment factory
- Shenzhen city Milan Zi Garments Co. Ltd. / Italy Du Nawei
- Leikesimo Trade Co., Ltd.
- Shantou Kangle wool textile factory
- Xiao Ya garment factory