Chinese platinum consumption country. In 2008 China continued global platinum jewelry consumption of the first rank, accounted for the total global consumption of 48%.
China gold consuming country. Chinese gold consumption in 2006 to maintain a smooth, gold consumption was 240 tons, ranking third in the world.
China is a large diamond processing & consuming country. Since July 1, 2006, China began to implement the diamond the new tax policy,
on the Shanghai Diamond Exchange customs declaration of import to domestic and international market of diamond, diamond moppet exemption from import VAT,
finished diamond import value-added tax burden is reduced from 17% to 4%. According to statistics, the year 2006, the amount of import and export, China's general trade diamond and Shanghai Diamond Exchange diamond transactions respectively over the previous year growth of 39.8% and 208%, two a total of $610000000.
China gold consuming country. In 2008 Chinese gold jewelry production for the world first, gold jewelry consumption as the world second.
Chinese is Asia's largest jade market, also will be the world's largest jade consumer market in the future.