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Q5 outlets _ Shandong Gu Lang Trade Co. Ltd.    No Member

Q5 outlets _ Shandong Gu Lang Trade Co. Ltd. Brand:Q5 outlets
Business Model
Q5 outlets belonging to the waves of grain company, founded in 2009. The company is committed to the international, domestic outdoor, sports, leisure, fashion, Japan and South Korea's top fashion brand discount sales. Italy Milan EurojollySpA Limited by Share Ltd in the Chinese strategic partner, to better serve the Chinese distributors and provide high quality and inexpensive products of services for consumers, waves of grain company will set up the vertical management of the Q5 name tastes Aotelaisi discount stores and online e-commerce platform in each line of the city China, adopt differentiated management mode, to meet the different consumers and the brand manufacturers demand. To consumer choice and highly cluster low price strategy diversification and international, domestic brand, to provide consumers with "aristocratic quality mass consumption", for the non fashion brand fidelity, provide consumers with cheap brand choice.

Q5 outlets will be its unique business model, set up the Q5 outlets brand discount store in the domestic line city. Strive to create an urban brand consumption experience wharf the domestic first-class, international level!
Main Products
Contact information
Addr:   Shandong  Ji'nan  Quancheng road in Ji'nan city of Shandong Province