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 Cloud bat group Brand
Business Model
云蝠集团是一家大型的羊毛衫生产及出口企业,具有2000万件毛衫的年生产能力,且集洗毛、制条、纺纱、染色、电脑绣花、成衣加工和后期整理于一体,生产规模和生产能力在国内远近闻名.集团主营产品为毛针织服装及棉针织类产品,兼营梭织类服装及相关产品.产品以外销为主,远销日本、美国、加拿大和欧洲等国家和地区,并且先后在日本大阪、美国纽约、洛杉矶、德国门兴格拉德巴赫开办了销售分支机构.集团拳头产品羊毛衫品牌"SHERFFER"已在国内、欧共体、美国等30多个国家和地区获准注册,成为我国民族工业的骄傲.本着"因你而变、服务为天、与时俱进、开拓创新"的经营理念,"云蝠"不断创造奇迹,先后被中华人民共和国农业部和对外贸易经济合作部评为"全国出口创汇先进乡镇企业",被江苏省对外贸易经济委员会授予"出口创汇超千万美元企业"的称号,是无锡地区50强集团 Quality is the lifeblood of enterprise life. Cloud bat people regard it as the first theme of developing enterprises, advanced TOYOTA management mode, excellent service ability, good staff quality and keen innovation ability, so that "cloud bat" has gained a good reputation at home and abroad. Through the ISO9002 international quality system certification, it has been awarded the "AAA class title" of Jiangsu province's "heavy contract, trustworthy enterprise" and "bank credit". Opportunity is a gift from heaven. Cloud bat people never miss any opportunity, because seize opportunity is development for them, and development is the everlasting pursuit of "cloud bat". "Cloud bat" is always ready to fly to a higher blue sky. Enterprise
Main Products
Contact information
Addr:        19 floor, Cong building, 290 Tianmu West Road, Shanghai