浙江省嘉兴市凯立丝针织有限公司位于中国东南沿海经济开发区,苏沪杭黄金三角中心,东邻乍嘉苏高速公路,南接沪杭甬高速公路,距上海国际机场,杭州笕桥国际机场均为一个半小时车程,风景秀丽,交通畅达,通讯便捷,经济发达.凯立公司坚持面向市场,用户至上的原则,格守商业信誉,在激烈的市场竞争中坚持以质量求生存,向管理要效益的经营思路,不断的将高品质的产品推向市场,深受欧美客商的青睐.目前凯立公司拥有两家分厂,紧密型合作企业五个,各种针织横机五百余台,以及一整套按国际标准的生产流水线各种检测手段齐全.一九九九年公司完成产量三十万件(套),实现产值三千万元.目前,总投资一千二百万元的电脑横机技改项目已经启动,该项目投入正常运行后,公司年产量可达到五十万件(套).凯立公司拥有雄厚的技术力量,在主导产品纯天然蚕丝/氨纶织品的基础上,根据国 International market demand, has designed and developed the silk and cashmere / spandex, rayon / spandex, blended silk / spandex three big series products. Kaili silk spandex fabric wearing soft and comfortable, shapely configuration, the international market sales prospects of daily goods benefit good.
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New business
- Huzhou coach Yao Zhuangyu surface Bridge textile factory
- Shaoxing County Sheng Jie laser craft embroidery factory
- Yangjiang City Band Music caps Co. Ltd
- The cowboy fashion company
- Guangzhou city fruit clothing Limited company
- Laiwu taipeng garment factory
- Shenzhen Qing Sheng Garment leather Limited
- Zhongshan flight clothing Limited company
- Ming Garment Co. Ltd.
- Yumegumi Nobuko Garment Design Co. Ltd.
- Jining road Jiana Garment Co. Ltd.
- Guangzhou Jialin Leather Co., Ltd
- Huzhou coach Yao Zhuangyu surface Bridge textile factory
- Shaoxing County Sheng Jie laser craft embroidery factory
- Yangjiang City Band Music caps Co. Ltd
- The cowboy fashion company
- Guangzhou city fruit clothing Limited company
- Laiwu taipeng garment factory
- Zhongshan flight clothing Limited company
- Ming Garment Co. Ltd.
- Yumegumi Nobuko Garment Design Co. Ltd.
- Jining road Jiana Garment Co. Ltd.
- Dongguan Hongqiang Sports Goods Co., Ltd.
- Guangzhou Panyu Lihua Textile Industrial Co., Ltd.
- Huzhou coach Yao Zhuangyu surface Bridge textile factory
- Shaoxing County Sheng Jie laser craft embroidery factory
- Hangzhou miss the special trade limited company
- Shao Xingping Garment Accessories Co. Ltd
- Jiashan County Libo gloves factory
- Hangzhou Sanjing Garment Accessories Co., Ltd.
- Yiwu Guojie jewelry accessories
- Yiwu City, if love clothing Limited company
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- Wenzhou glory nonwoven fabric factory
- Wenzhou century luggage line