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Tai'an mountain Xu home nursery    No VIP Member

Tai'an mountain Xu home nursery Brand
Business Model
泰安山口佟家庄徐家苗圃场品种有:贴梗海棠、紫薇、紫荆、黄栌、紫藤、红叶碧桃、广玉兰(白、红)玉兰、黄杨、金叶女贞、木金花、冬青、红叶小檗、紫叶梨、美人梅、龙爪枣、山茱萸、凌霄、榆叶梅、金银木、垂榆(大、小)叶女贞、连翘、丰花月季、品种月季、樱花、石榴、扶芳藤、腊梅、红叶地锦、丁香、国槐、合欢、垂柳、毛白腊、杜仲、红瑞木、五角枫、垂榆、马褂木、垂槐、槐树、柿子树、毛白杨、法桐、苦楝、火炬、红叶臭椿、竹子墩、青桐、栾树、水杉、金丝槐、黄金柳、蝴蝶槐、黄金槐、龙曲槐、皂角、千头椿、刺槐、梧桐、雪松、白皮松、银杏、黑松、洒金柏、蜀桧、龙柏球、七叶树、西府海棠、火棘、毛白杨、107杨、108杨、109杨。 A hundred years, the millennium old trees and large corolla wood: the Millennium ancient tree, the Millennium ancient Zao Jiao Wang Shu, hundreds of thousands of years of Begonia, papaya trees, a hundred years of plum trees, a hundred years of sweet scented osmanthus trees, the Millennium crape myrtle trees (Bai Rihong), red maple trees, a hundred years of pomegranate trees, a hundred years of sweet scented osmanthus trees, Millennium Lagerstroemia indica tree (one hundred days of red), red maple trees, a hundred years of pomegranate trees, Taishan pine and Hua Shansong, purple pear, Ligustrum lucidum, big cherry, weeping elm, Photinia tree, ginkgo tree, Magnolia, persimmon tree, cedar, hawthorn tree and the fig tree, clove tree, Alstonia scholaris, Ma Guamu, maple and horse chestnut.
Main Products
Begonia plantlets, weeping willow seedlings, cherry seedlings, cypress seedlings, Platanus orientalis Seedlings
Contact information
Contact:   Xu Ruhe
Addr:   Shandong Province  Ji'nan City  Shandong province Tai'an Shankou Zhen Tong Jia Zhuang