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Shanghai Fang Tung Trademark Agency Co. Ltd.    No VIP Member

Shanghai Fang Tung Trademark Agency Co. Ltd. Brand
Business Model
Shanghai Fang Tung trademark agent limited company is the National Trademark Bureau for the record, specialize in the relevant field of intellectual property legal services of professional agencies. The main scope of business involves the registration of trademarks, patent applications, copyright registration, renewal, change of domestic and foreign registration, license, transfer, dispute, infringement lawsuits; at the same time, we also provide the Customs for the record and other related with intellectual property legal consulting service for enterprises. The company since its establishment, all kinds of business volume steadily, as the domestic communication industry, information industry, electronics industry, pharmaceutical industry, food and beverage industry, manufacturing industry, instrument industry, new material industry and other enterprises to provide trademark legal services, the company also business cooperation relationship with Hongkong, Taiwan, Macao to customers and the agency set up. We hope that more customers can provide us the opportunity, so that we can discover and solve problems, make customer and us, more previous floor. Shanghai Fang Dong main partner with more than 10 years experience in agency and work experience, familiar with international practices and rules, the relevant provisions of the trademark law, know the domestic affairs of the operating rules and legal procedures, for "details deciding success or failure" of the service concept, every employee to proceed from the customer details, and achieve the best interests of customer the. Shanghai Fang Dong through years of hard work, in the National Trademark Bureau, the State Intellectual Property Right Bureau and other competent government set up the good image of the work, and with the EU intellectual property organization, the international intellectual property organization of African Intellectual Property Organization, close cooperation, also set up a good professional reputation.
Main Products
Shanghai trademark registration company; Shanghai registered company; Shanghai company registration; Shanghai trademark registration network; Shanghai domestic and foreign companies note
Contact information
Contact:   Liu Yan
Addr:   Guangdong Province  Guangzhou City  Putuo District Shanghai Putuo District Changshou Road 569 Lane Sha Tin Building No. 1 room 406